Part 10: Fairground festivities.

Having helped out with the gates after those hopeless workers went walkabout, its time to explore some more of the festival! Were at the left end of another long screen, and this booth here is the Lucky Strings game where that Jingle picture came from. Its prize seems to be determined before you play, so which string you pick is irrelevant.

No prizes for guessing who the two booth owners happen to be.

Yep, that went about as well as expected. We cant just look after Penelope ourselves though, so well have to leave them to it and hope for the best.

The next couple of booths are just flavour; sadly, we cant play darts against this mysterious dude.

The TSF did help me learn how to make this, though.

Weve reached the right side of the screen (putting the weight-lifting game to our south), so lets take a peek up north.

There are juice and cotton candy vendors here, but all they do is give obvious hints about the two nearby minigames in exchange for a few seeds. We cant play one of them yet, but we can try the other

...which is Pandas first minigame!

Its also an absolute bastard if you happen to be rhythmically challenged.

You see, there is no way youre going to meet the score requirement unless you get a couple of half-decent combos going, or one really amazing one. And of course, missing or whacking a nail with the wrong hammer resets your combo.

Pictured: My first attempt.

Second attempt was better, but I lost the rhythm and just couldnt find it again.

Third try, nailed i- *shot*

...I may have celebrated a bit.

The payout is your score divided by ten, so its not worth repeating. Still, one more stamp for our card!

...Something seems to be missing here.

Gee, you think? You two dinguses should probably go find her.

Anyway, the northwest exit from this long screen has this mother hamster who will give us one-star stickers for three seeds (she wants to buy a treat for her son), and another toy to get some out of.

It also has a pair of minigames we cant play yet, so well have to come back later. Without anything else to do, were going to have to find where Penelope wandered off to.

After a bit of running around, it appears she went to see someone a bit more responsible.

Maxwells not having the greatest day today. At least we know where Penelope is now, though.

And with Dexter and Howdy eager to get her back, surely everything will go smoothly.

Aside from Maxwell using up the question mark budget, it seems Penelope changed her mind slightly Well, have you ever known a little kid to sit still?

...And also possibly because you were acting like a pair of creepy kidnappers.

Were working on it, buddy. Theres not that many places Penelope could have gone, so

Shes a quick little thing, isnt she?

Hmm Well, we already know Penelope was looking at the masks. Lets see if our eyepatch-marked friend can help us out. (His name is Sabu, by the way. He appears occasionally in the show to rescue hamsters, typically with the aid of Françoise the pigeon.)

...Now all I can imagine is Howdy and Dexter desperately trying to flee from an Intensod Penelope. Which would be totally hilarious.

Tsk, not even one sprite of Penelope with the mask on properly? Booooo.

Still, we had better check that everythings going alright. Just to be safe.

Heheh Guess Pashmina figured itd be hard for both of them to work together on something.

Their success seems to have scored Howdy and Dexter a few points with Pashmina, though.

Aside from getting Pashmina and Penelope to join our little group, were now able to try out the guys booths, so lets earn a couple more stamps.

Ah, brings back memories of feeding dragons in Chrono Cross.

...Well, thats an oddly familiar-looking balloon.

I bet she is; shes the one who got to eat the seed!

Alright, lets see what Dexter has to offer.

Well, at least the pictures of Pashmina and Howdy vary. Interesting how much attention and detail Dexter seems to have put into drawing his rival

And after that, we have six out of twelve stamps! We still cant do the one over by Nail the Rhythm, but the pair to the northwest are available now.

Penelope Pinball requires hitting all four sunflowers enough to turn them from yellow to green and finally to red; theres no bonus for time, so dont worry if it takes a while. Sometimes you get a lucky shot, though.

The other minigame, Toy Corral, is all about timing and making sure to get scarves on the same toy multiple times in a row. The wheel changes speed and direction with each successful throw, and a toy gets removed if it has five scarves on it. So all in all, you can get a score of 800 and earn 80 points.

With a new selection of stamps and stickers, its time to explore some more. The workers have run away again, so theres some more gates to build with Penelope and Pashminas help.

Now thats a little more like it! And yes, its recommended to do this on both sides again. Were going in through the eastern side here arrive at another long area, and the northern-most minigame. Sadly, its not available to us just yet.

The areas flyer is hidden over behind it, though! This will be handy when we actually find the store.

...Well, Im sure this comes as a surprise to no one.

Fortunately, the festival happens to have a medical professional on hand, so lets see if Flora can help us.

For the second time in this LP, RIP Oxnard.

Thats our Oxnard! :laughtrack:

Now that we have Oxnard all healed up, theres a little more we can do up the north end of the fairgrounds. Looks like Maxwell is almost ready to open his booth, too.

The north-most minigame lets Oxnard show off his skills on the balance beam, twirling the baskets around to gather up seeds. As shown, its super easy.

On the west side of this screen, theres a few NPCs worrying about some tower building being behind schedule, and this little dilemma. Looks like Cappys game of Ham-and-Seek might have gone a tiny bit wrong.

He seems to have gotten stuck in two pipes, at that.

Of course he will, Cappy. Now, join the party and lets give this a shot.

Dont worry, kid! We got ya!

No worries, Stucky! I hope youre happy being stuck in your own little pipe.

Yeah, looks like hes fine. Just a few more things we have to take care of, now

Like making Cappy run a gauntlet of squeaky hammers! This is the minigame over by Nail the Rhythm, and its fairly simple even if Cappy has to run against a conveyer belt. You can press up against the sides of the hammers, just so long as you arent under them when they fall.

Theres only two stamps left to get now The dancing competition, and Maxwells minigame! But before the dancing can begin, we have one more place to visit.

Back where Oxnard was lying about with his sore stomach, theres another path to the north.

Because youre a bunch of hopeless slackers, most likely. Yes, this is where the tower is being built, and its still behind schedule.

There are a couple of five-star stickers on the trees at either side of the screen, the latter of which is something that came up in Ham-Ham Heartbreak.

You see, this ticket was needed to enter a Couples Night at a haunted manor. Drawing an umbrella and writing a couples names under it is similar to the classic heart with an arrow through it youd see carved into trees.

Hey, you gave us that mask for free, and one good turn deserves another. Lets do this thing.

Building the tower is definitely best watched as a video. For those who cant, the main thing to take away from it is:

Ah, how quickly some folks can change their tune

Youre very welcome, Sabu.

Gee, a carrot. In an area where we have seen no other carrots. I wonder

Yeah, its totally Carrobo. We also have the last two of the seed dispensers here, and theyve got plenty to throw out.

Which is definitely a good thing, because inside this building (with a five-star sticker on top)... the areas store! Since we got the flyer earlier, it takes 274 seeds to clear the place out entirely.

The picture we got is called Maxwells Great. Actually, it comes at a really good time.

Because now that weve done everything else (including getting ten out of twelve stamps), its finally time for Stan and Sandy to strut their stuff!

...Oh. This doesnt look good.

Youre not helping, Sparkle! Actually Well, we know someone that might help Sandy perform.

Dont worry, Cappy! This wont take long.

Took the words right out of my mouth, Stan.

You bet! Come on, Stan and Sandy!

Of course, Shadow Dancing is the obligatory game of Simon, starting at one input and going all the way up to eight. Making a mistake means losing a chance to gain popularity, which means less points at the end. Its only the difference between thirty and forty points though, so dont stress about it.

And with that, we have just one final thing to do before winning the stamp rally!

Took you long enough, bud.

Since weve had our game of Simon, lets also have a card-matching memory game! Three strikes, and youre out.

Id say that the Ham Games here were easy because they were mandatory, but Nail the Rhythm was a thing, so

At long last! Lets go claim our red ingredient!

Well, it looks like the crowds in an uproar! Aside from the old ham, anyway.

At long last! This has been a pretty lengthy endeavour, so lets leave the usual song and dance until next time Until then, I hope you all enjoyed the Ham-Ham festival!